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Carry-on Travel Essentials:
What should I pack for a short and long flight?

We are going to show you carry-on items recommendations to be considered for short and long flights. 

For this post, a short flight will be considered to have a maximum of 3 hours, and a long flight will have 3+ hours. 

You might like to carry all of these recommended items without distinction for short or long flights. 

For short flights, you need to worry less about your carry-on items unless you are using your carry-on as your checked luggage, but it doesn’t hurt to be extra prepared to enjoy your short flight. 

The items below are only a guide to help you prepare better for your flight.

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For Short and Long Flights

Travel Documents
passports travel

It is better to have a passport with more than a year of expiration since most airlines do not allow travelers with a passport about to expire or with less than 6 months from the return date.


This depends on your passport. There are many countries where a visa is not required for a specific passport. Always check as soon as possible if you require a visa since the rules can change. If you need a visa, it could take days, weeks, or even months to be issued. For example, in a country you were traveling before and stayed for 3 months without a visa, now it might be required to issue a visa unless you only stay for 1 month. Go to the official visa website for that country for more information.

Boarding Passes
boarding passes

After checking in online, then you can carry the printed or digital copy. Most of the time, you will only need to check in online, and the airline will pull out the boarding pass for you at the counter, especially for long trips. For short trips, it is faster to enter the gate with your boarding pass in hand and if you only have a carry-on with you.


A digital or printed copy of your itinerary is a good option to keep track of your flight number and time easily. Nevertheless, it’s better to check your flight when you get inside the airport in the gates area.

Driver’s license or ID
driver license id

Proof of identification is a must for any traveler, and if you are traveling domestically within your same-born country, an ID is the only document you will need to board your flight.

Proof of Accommodation

The receipt/invoice for your hotel or the address where you will stay is needed in case you book an Airbnb or you are going to stay with a relative or friend. Some officers might ask you for that information upon arrival.

Travel Apps

A translation and maps app might be beneficial, particularly if you are traveling to a foreign country. Local transportation and airline apps are others to be considered.


Credit cards, especially travel credit cards with no foreign exchange fee, are important for your trip. Also, cash in the local currency.

Phone/Charger/Portable Charger

Your phone is essential on any trip, but consider carrying a charger and a portable power bank so that your phone will always be ready to use. Airplanes often have an outlet to charge your phone, and only a charger will be enough.

Light Jacket/Sweater

The AC on airplanes is sometimes strong, particularly for people who cannot tolerate the cold, so it is recommended that you carry at least a light jacket or sweater.

Important Contacts

Numbers of family members, close friends, and tour guides (if applicable) are important to have in hand. Sometimes, I even write those numbers on a small sticky note and carry them with me; in that way, I not only rely on my cell phone to get that important contact information. The embassy or work-related numbers are also to be considered.

Change of Clothes
change of clothes

It does not hurt to put an extra T-shirt, a pair of pants, a pair of socks, and underwear in your carry-on bag in case, for example, unexpected delays.

Laptop or Tablet
laptop tablet

This is more of a personal option for you. In my case, a laptop is essential for my work, but for you, it might not be the case. A tablet or laptop is an item to be considered, especially if you work with them, but it can also help you with entertainment or carrying information that is not available on your phone.

Entertainment Devices
entertainment devices

This is a matter of personal preference. My phone, with many YouTube videos downloaded, is enough for entertainment for short or long flights, but you might be interested in ways such as playing with a Nintendo Switch, mobile phones, or laptop games. Also, you can download reading material on some of your devices for reading if that is your preference.

Chapstick/Lip Balm
lip balm

Carrying a lip moisturizer of your choice is a good idea for your trip. Moisturizing your lips can help you to keep fresh.


Especially if you have to take medications during your flight or along your trip that are difficult to obtain in the country you are traveling in. Just make sure you carry them in their original containers or keep your prescription on hand in case officers ask you about the medications.

chewing gum

This one is another personal choice. Gum has helped me keep the chill down during my flights, especially during departure and arrival times. It can also help your ears avoid being clogged due to the air pressure.

Especially For Long Flights

Comfortable Clothes
comfortable clothes

Preferably, wear clothes and shoes that are comfortable for you. Shoes that are easy to sleep with or take out (if possible) during your trip. An extra pair of socks will refresh your feet and keep you warm. Compression socks are suitable for long hours of sitting due to their benefits to blood circulation.

snacks bottle drink

If you are not a snacky person during your flights, then you don’t have to worry about snacks because the airplane food and snacks will be enough, but sometimes their food or snacks are not what you were expecting or satisfy you. I recommend you carry one or two snacks of your choice to give you a little joy during your flight.

Water Bottle
water bottle

The airlines usually give you water throughout your flight, but if you are like me and want to keep hydrated and know where your water source is, a small water bottle does not hurt to carry on.

Personal Care Items

You can include a small hand sanitizer, facial wipes, tissues, deodorant, and hair brush. Toothbrushes and toothpaste are usually provided for long flights. A couple of pads/tampons will keep you safe if you use them.

Noise-Cancelling Headphones
noise cancelling headphones

Noise-canceling headphones are great for reducing airplane noise from the engine and passengers. You can play your favorite music or video, which will make you feel more mentally comfortable.

Ear Plugs

If you don’t want to listen to anybody or anything around you to find peace on your trip, this is a must. Ear plugs can help you sleep, so you don’t need to use them all the time.

Sleep Eye Mask

When too many lights do not allow you to relax, packing a sleep eye mask in your carry-on will help you enjoy your trip. Some airlines adapt the surrounding lights for sleep, especially if your flight is at night, but in case that does not happen or the other passengers around you like to keep the window open, carrying a sleep eye mask is essential for you.

Neck Pillow

Some people like it, love it or hate it. I use the neck pillow for my back since I’m comfortable enough around my neck but not my back. I’ve been using it for my back multiple times, and it has helped me a lot during long flights. The travel pillow provided sometimes is not enough for me, so I use both pillows to have a relaxing flight.

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