🌊Mar Chiquito and beach Las Picúas: Two jewelers hidden in the charm islands. Mar Chiquito has natural pools carved by the waves; it is a magic place in where the time seems to stop.

Beach Las Picúas is a shelter of serenity with its extensive dunes of sands and crystal waters that reflect the infinite blue sky. Both beaches testify the incomparable beauty of Puerto Rico, places in where nature whisper its secrets and invite us to loss the notion of time. #PuertoRico #PlayasParadisíacas

🌈Mar Chiquito:

📍Location: Manatí, north of Puerto Rico.

🔆Characteristics: Mar Chiquito is known by the many small natural pools created by the rocky soil around the beach. These pools protect the visitors from the strong ocean currents which make Mar Chiquito an ideal place to relax and enjoy a calm bath. 

Beach Las Picúas:

📍Location: Río Grande, northeast of Puerto Rico.

🔆Characteristics: Beach Las Picúas is a golden sand beach with calm waters. The water in Las Picúas are most of the time quiet which is ideal for swimmers. It’s an excellent place to relax and enjoy nature, surrounded by a dense vegetation that brings shelter from the sun. It is a less tourist attraction which is why it can offer an authentic experience and serenity.